Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Williamsbridge Oval Afterschool Children learned the policies of voting. The Students here worked together with their peers to develop the responsiblity and the rights they hold to become well informed voters. The children nominated each other, held campaigns, and elected each other into office for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Peace Maker, and Friendship-Governor of their Afterschool Program. Elected into office were: Winifer Pimentel Age 12 as President, Gleymy Garcia Age 11 as Vice-President, Ashley Muniz Age 11 as Secretary, Jasmine Carswell Age 12 as Treasurer, Neah Banks Age 11 as Peace-Maker & Christopher Santiago Age 12 as Friendship-Governor.
Job Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Student Council @ Williamsbridge Oval Afterschool Program

WBO Afterschool Coordinator - Ms. Deborah Edwards

The children @ WBO create on Computers and with the Creative Arts for the Thanksgiving Holidays.

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